Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Gobble Gobble!!!!!!!!

Well thanksgiving is still a week away but we will be in Idaho with out a computer, much less the Internet so Happy Thanksgiving to Y'ALL!

May you and yours be able to enjoy this wonderful season of gratitude for all that we have, the good and the bad. As we were reading the scriptures to the children the other night we were talking about how we have to be grateful for all that we have and that without the bad things in our life we would never be able to recognize the good things, we would take everything for granted. Funny that even so we still take so much for granted. I am so grateful for so much. My family for starters... how wonderful a family is. At all stages in our life, the family we grew up in, our time with only our spouse, then with each addition as our family grew. Each phase has brought so much joy and so much happiness. If we could all just choose to only remember the good, sometimes I feel like Winnie the Pooh who forgets to remember. I forget to remember that I love doing the dishes. My mom had a poem in our house and I memorized while doing dishes :

Thank God for dirty dishes
They have a lot to tell
While other folks go hungry
We are so very well
With home and health and happiness
We shouldn't want to fuss
For by this stack of evidence
God is very good to us.

Isn't it wonderful all that God blesses us with?
I'm grateful for so much - you.
The teachings of Christ and his example.
Living prophets who guide and counsel us in these troubled times.
The knowledge that families can be forever.
The blessing of knowing that life doesn't end here.
The peace that only God can offer.
Angels among us disguised as common people who step into our lives and bless us richly.
The many freedoms given to us through the sacrifice and heart of many noble soldiers.

The list can go on all night. Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Becca said...

That poem was so cute. I am in physical pain knowing you guys will be so close and I can't get away to see you all. I hope you get to spend a lot of wonderful time with Grandma Bolander. We have kept her in our prayers, as well as all of her family. We miss you guys and love you all so much...soon, we will see you soon (I have to keep telling myself)